Appreciation (Bersyukur) : Part 1

    If the topic is about appreciation, there are too many aspects that can be talk about, whether it's between humans, or our own sense of appreciation. I think I can break it to different parts. This is part 1 tho. You might think, who actually have time to think all of this unnecessary things? Hahaha I am. It can't be helped, I tend to think deep (sometimes overthink too lol) and this is how I release my thoughts. 

    (Disclaimer: this is purely based on my personal perspective and it is subjective. Every faults in expressing opinion is from myself and all the good things comes from Allah SWT, InsyaAllah)

    Have you ever come across some quotes, articles or even someone on the internet that talks about 'appreciation' (including me huhu) but you never actually get it, or even feel it? You're not alone. I was in that kind of position too when I was having a dark time. 'Appreciate what you have', 'not all people in this world have the privilege that you have' , 'be grateful'. YEAH I was tired of it, for me, it was a hard pill to swallow. I didn't get it at the time. What would they tell people who is ACTUALLY don't have privileges? And these people who said it over and over are actually having a great life that don't feel other people's struggle. They would not understand, and how hard I tried to be better.

    That's what I thought.

      I realized now, I know about appreciation, but I actually didn't feel it, that's the truth, I was too arrogant. 

      You see, times and experience do change one's perception and thinking. I was one of it. I only think about myself, how I will be able to change my situation, how I was thinking other people don't get me and all of that yada yada. In fact, I can't change anything, I can only change how I feel about my situation. ( Because you know, there are some things that we can't actually change and trying to be okay with it is the hardest part, knowing we can't do anything about it).

      I once said it on my other social media platform, the reason why we are more struck with sadness and grief than any other feelings, is because we usually take our happiness for granted. Yes, we didn't realise we have that happiness until we lose it. But we must never forget, our life have it's own ups and downs, it's happening to everyone, the difference is how we are tested (this is another hard to swallow pill for some). We can't simply judge our life is terrible, because without our realisation, there are (you ready for it?) sooo many things we can appreciate. HAH surprise! You wanna know what is it?

      Well, I'll try to mention some. Having family, if not family maybe good friends, if not maybe that one person who is always by our side, a place to sleep, food to eat, everytime someone compliment us, that one subject that you actually did better than you think, the amount of laugh we do when seeing memes on the internet, good music, movies, korean drama, that one kpop group or singer that made you feel good, lecturer actually knows our name (lol is this a blessing or curse?), every time we completed our work, the fact we still breathing, the fact that we still alive. For my Muslims friends, Allah still gave us the opportunity to be better than yesterday, nothing is too late if you wanna do something for yourself. So.. appreciate all of these things that usually unnoticed  :) 

وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ وَلَئِنْ كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٌ

Dan ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu memaklumkan, “Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Aku akan menambahkan nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangatlah pedih”. – (Q.S Ibrahim: 7)

       Plus, smile! "But, I always smile in front of other people". No, smile for yourself.  You managed to wake up from bed? Smile for about 10 seconds, you will absorb more positive energy to start your day. You completed the house chores? smile because you have done a good job. Something bad happened? well, you can cry first, but believe me, you will unknowingly stand up back stronger than before, and when you realised you already overcome it, then smile in appreciation.

      A lil bit out of track here, have you ever hear someone says "omg they are so strong, I can't imagine if I was in their shoes, I will not handle it as good as them". Sis, (or bro) that's why you are not in their position, because Allah knows you can't handle it. Allah will not burden a soul what they can't bear.

      So for whoever wants to compare one's life to another (out of trying to make them appreciate what they have), you may come out as insensitive. And for those who did this to yourselves just to reach the feel of appreciation, to the point you feel bad and ungrateful for being sad, please don't be too hard on yourselves. You know what you can actually do? Just take it as a lesson, and look at what you have. You don't have to try indulge yourself in other people's situation, because you have a different life. All in all, don't take things too hard till you don't validate yourselves.

       I can't stress this enough, you deserve every bit of that happiness, don't be afraid. When life hit you hard,  you can only say "well, that's life for you" and continue to walk forward. If I was given the choice to go back in the past and repair what I did wrong, I would not opt for it, because my past, even though it hurts to even remember it, is the thing that what makes me today. Lol, maybe about 7 years later I will look at this and think "what is this 19 years old teenager-trying-to-be-deep wrote?" and be cringed by this. Or even any adults if they happen to read this. But it can't be helped, I AM actually a 19 years old girl. Well, getting out of track there again.

      To be honest, I feel grateful for the unfortunate things that happened to me, be it a person or situation. If I never face all of that, I'm pretty sure I will not know my value, what I deserve, what actually bad for me and why all of that happened. So, to those things that hurt me in the past, thanks for actually showed me this value of life and you are the reason I grow. I don't know if I'm ready for upcoming events, but by hook or by crook I will face it. 

    And for those that are still in journey of tackling life, I'm secretly cheering for you guys. HMU if you wanna talk about something ^^, because this post is actually really general, I can't cover everything, especially a specific problem like family, friends, financial et cetera. well, even different individual have their own personal problem.

     I wanna say it again, I don't know you. I will not act like I do. But may Allah helps every step of your journey in life. Aminn. 

     Btw, part 2 is coming. I don't know when, since it seems like I write once in a full moon :3. In part 2 I will talk about appreciation between human. I will try to make it shorter than this one.

Last word (I promise),

Running around in circle,
Trying to find people's validation,
Don't you realize we are in a cycle,
To find our own self appreciation?




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