Appreciation (Bersyukur) : Part 1
If the topic is about appreciation, there are too many aspects that can be talk about, whether it's between humans, or our own sense of appreciation. I think I can break it to different parts. This is part 1 tho. You might think, who actually have time to think all of this unnecessary things? Hahaha I am. It can't be helped, I tend to think deep (sometimes overthink too lol) and this is how I release my thoughts. (Disclaimer: this is purely based on my personal perspective and it is subjective. Every faults in expressing opinion is from myself and all the good things comes from Allah SWT, InsyaAllah) Have you ever come across some quotes, articles or even someone on the internet that talks about 'appreciation' (including me huhu) but you never actually get it, or even feel it? You're not alone. I was in that kind of position too when I was having a dark time. 'Appreciate what you have', 'not all people in this world have the pr...